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[美]凯伦·基佛博伊德 宾夕法尼亚州立大学艺术建筑学院教授
Karen T. Keifer-Boyd, Professor, School of Art and Architecture, Pennsylvania State University
[日]黑川雅之 博士 株式会社 K&K(日本)
Masayuki Kurokawa, Ph.D., K&K Corporation (Japan)
张夫也 清华大学美术学院教授
Fuye Zhang, Professor, the Academy of Arts & Design, Tsinghua University
[日]三田村有芳 博士 京都艺术大学大学院副教授,暨南大学日本学院特聘教授,日本国际文化研究院高级研究员
MITAMURA ARIYOSHI, Ph.D., Associate Professor of Graduate School of Kyoto University of Arts, Distinguished Professor of Japan College of Jinan University, Senior Researcher of Japan Institute of International Culture
[韩]金知瑞 博士 北京工业大学艺术设计学院工艺美术系副教授
KIM JISEO,Ph.D., Associate Professor, Department of Arts and Crafts, College of Art and Design, Beijing Institute of Technology
黄清穗 纹藏中国纹样数据库创办人、广西艺术学院副教授
Qingsui Huang,Founder of the Chinese Pattern Database,Associate Professor of Guangxi Arts University
李知弥 中国当代文人画家
Zhimi Li, Contemporary Chinese Literati Painter
高健耀 职业艺术家
Jianyao Gao, Professional Artist
段 超 清华大学美术学院博士后、助理研究员
Chao Duan,Postdoctoral fellow, Assistant Researcher,Academy of Arts & Design, Tsinghua University
陈 霞 北京印刷学院新媒体学院讲师
Xia Chen, Lecturer, School of New Media, Beijing Institute of Graphic Communication
蒋巍涛 职业艺术家
Weitao Jiang, Professional Artist
李雅洁 北京印刷学院设计艺术学院教师
Yajie Li, Lecturer, School of Art & Design, Beijing Institute of Graphic Communication
何喜忠 北京印刷学院副教授
Xizhong He, Associate Professor,School of Art & Design, Beijing Institute of Graphic Communication
梁智龙 北京印刷学院设计艺术学院副教授,硕士研究生导师
Zhilong Liang, Associate Professor, School of Art & Design, Beijing Institute of Graphic Communication, Postgraduate Supervisor
刘 潮 旅美画家、诗人,美国油画家协会会员、美国印象派油画协会会员
Chao Liu, Artists in America, Poet, Member of Oil Painters of America, Member of American Impressionist Society
刘其让 陕西省美术家协会会员、 西安中国画院画家兼理论研究员、RANG ART 艺术厂牌主理人
Qirang Liu, Member of Shanxi Artists Association, Painter and Theoretical Researcher of Xi'an Chinese Painting Academy, and Director of RANG ART
莫沁杰 北京印刷学院设计艺术学院副教授、硕士生导师、设计艺术学院基础部主任、中国美术家协会会员、中国少数民族美术促进会会员、全国教育书画协会会员
Qinjie Mo, Associate Professor,Postgraduate Supervisor and Director of the Basic Department of the School of Art & Design, Beijing Institute of Graphic Communication; Member of China Artists Association; Member of China Nationalities Art Promotion; Member of China National Education Calligraphy and Painting Association
孙 浩 北京印刷学院设计艺术学院讲师
Hao Sun, Lecturer, School of Art & Design, Beijing Institute of Graphic Communication
唐 勤 广西艺术学院美术学院,副教授、研究生导师
Qin Tang, Associate Professor and Postgraduate Supervisor of the School of Fine Arts, Guangxi Arts University
王 彬 北京印刷学院新媒体艺术专业副教授、硕士生导师
Bin Wang, Associate Professor and Postgraduate Supervisor of the School of New Media Art, Beijing Institute of Graphic Communication
王 巍 清华大学美术学院副教授,博士硕士研究生导师,博士后导师
Wei Wang, Associate Professor of the Academy of Arts & Design, Tsinghua University, Doctoral and Postgraduate Supervisor, Postdoctoral Supervisor
魏 东 北京印刷学院新媒体学院教师,副教授,硕士生导师
Wei Dong, Associate Professor and Postgraduate Supervisor of the School of New Media, Beijing Institute of Graphic Communication
郑学武 版画家和装置艺术家、国际艺术活动策划人,纽约哈德逊艺术中心创始人Xuewu Zheng, printmaker and installation artist, international art event planner, and the founders of the Hudson Art Center in New York
朱 云 上海戏剧学院副教授
Yun Zhu, Associate Professor at the Shanghai Theatre Academy
郭冰倩 上海戏剧学院数字艺术设计 MFA 研究生
Bingqian Guo, MFA student of Digital Art and Design, Shanghai Theatre Academy
王 硕 博士, 北京印刷学院硕士生导师, 英国赫瑞瓦特大学博士生导师
Shuo Wang, Ph.D., Postgraduate Supervisor of Beijing Institute of Graphic Communication, Doctoral Supervisor at the University of Herivat, UK
袁佳联 北京印刷学院新媒体学院副教授
Jialian Yuan, Associate Professor of the School of New Media, Beijing Institute of Graphic Communication
张志锋 广州美术学院造型艺术学院基础部写生教研室主任
Zhifeng Zhang,Director of the Basic Department of the School of Plastic Arts, Guangzhou Academy of Fine Arts
汤雪莹 艺术家,西安美术学院外聘教师
Xueying Tang, Artist, External Teacher at Xi'an Academy of Fine Arts
韦凯文 广西艺术学院教师,广西美术家协会会员
Kaiwen Wei, Teacher of Guangxi Arts University, Member of Guangxi Artists Association
杨宇阳 广西青年画家、魔术师、高校讲师
Yuyang Yang, Painter, Magician, and University Lecturer in Guangxi, China
李尤松 北京印刷学院设计艺术学院副教授
Yousong Li, Associate Professor and Postgraduate Supervisor of the School of Art & Design, Beijing Institute of Graphic Communication
张 引 博士,北京航空航天大学新媒体艺术与设计学院副教授
Yin Zhang, Ph.D., Associate Professor of School of New Media Art and Design, Beihang University
尹 冰 博士,北京电影学院研究生院副院长
Bing Yin, Ph.D., Vice President of Graduate School, Beijing Film Academy
王婷婷 博士,中国戏曲学院舞台美术系讲师
Tingting Wang, Ph.D., Lecturer of Department of Stage Art, National Academy of Chinese Theatre Arts
张延昭 国家一级美术师,中国美术家协会会员,北京当代中国写意油画院常务理事
Yanzhao Zhang, National First-Class Artist, member of the China Artists Association, and director of the Beijing Academy of China Contemporary Oil Painting
田宜宾 摄影艺术家
Yibin Tian, Professional Artist
尹 冰 博士,北京电影学院研究生院副院长
Bing Yin, Ph.D., Vice President of Graduate School, Beijing Film Academy
祝亚明 独立艺术家、中国美术家协会会员、中国壁画学会会员、北京美术家协会会员
Yaming Zhu, Independent artist,Member of the China Artists Association, the China Mural Association , and the Beijing Artists Association.
杨灿赫 伦敦艺术大学中央圣马丁硕士研究生
Canhe Yang, Graduate Student, Central Saint Martins,University of the Arts London
刘 欢 北京服装学院博士研究生
Huan Liu, Doctoral Candidate, Beijing Institute of Fashion Technology
宋添祎 郑 瑶 史佳琪 李瑞欣 孙尚逸 北京印刷学院新媒体学院数字媒体艺术专业学生
Tianyi Song, Yao Zheng, Jiaqi Shi, Ruixin Li, Shangyi Sun, majoring in Digital Media Art, School of New Media, Beijing Institute of Graphic Communication
吕 游 清华大学美术学院博士研究生
You Lyu, Doctoral Candidate, Academy of Arts & Design, Tsinghua University
李忠超 北京服装学院博士研究生
Zhongchao Li, Doctoral Candidate, Beijing Institute of Fashion Technology
康 林 魏志文 北京服装学院硕士研究生
Lin Kang, Zhiwen Wei, Graduate Student, Beijing Institute of Fashion Technology
孙瑞恒 中央美术学院当代艺术方向博士研究生
Ruiheng Sun, Doctoral Candidate in Contemporary Art, Central Academy of Fine Arts
康 林 北京服装学院研究生院美术学院雕塑系,硕士研究生
Lin Kang, Graduate Student, Department of Sculpture, Graduate School of Fine Arts, Beijing Institute of Fashion Technology
任玄奇 天津美术学院实验艺术专业硕士研究生
Xuanqi Ren, Graduate Student, Experimental Art, Tianjin Academy of Fine Arts
常 睿 黑龙江大学视觉传达设计专业硕士研究生
Rui Chang, Graduate Student of Visual Communication Design, Heilongjiang University
尹燕谱 上海交通大学电子信息与电气工程学院硕士研究生
Yanpu Yin, Graduate Student, School of Design and Art, School of Electronic Information and Electrical Engineering, Shanghai Jiao Tong University
杜 姗 赵烨炜 北京印刷学院新媒体学院硕士研究生
Shan Du, Yewei Zhao, Graduate Students, School of New Media, Beijing Institute of Graphic Communication
陈 娱 清华大学美术学院信息艺术设计系博士研究生
Yu Chen, Doctoral Candidate, Department of Information Art and Design, Academy of Arts & Design, Tsinghua University
谢 晨 北京印刷学院设计艺术学院硕士研究生
Chen Xie, Graduate Student, School of Art & Design, Beijing Institute of Graphic Communication
田琬琪 周清伊 北京印刷学院新媒体学院硕士研究生
Wanqi Tian, Qingyi Zhou, Graduate Students, School of New Media, Beijing Institute of Graphic Communication
刘子初 伦敦大学金匠学院艺术设计学院硕士研究生
Zichu Liu, Graduate Student at the School of Art and Design, Goldsmiths College, University of London
夏烨杰 北京工业大学耿丹学院国际设计学院视觉传达设计学学士
Yejie Xia, Bachelor of Visual Communication Design from the School of International Design, Gengdan Institute of Beijing University of Technology
马巧玉 西北民族大学体育教学专业硕士研究生
Qiaoyu Ma, Graduate Student, Majoring in Physical Education, Northwest Minzu University
杜 鹏 湖南师范大学硕士研究生
Peng Du,Graduate Student, Hunan Normal University
朱 姝 纽约理工学院计算机图形专业硕士研究生
Shu Zhu, Graduate Student in Computer Graphics, New York Institute of Technology
张钊若 北京印刷学院设计艺术学院艺术设计专业硕士研究生
Zhaoruo Zhang, Graduate Student, School of Art & Design, Beijing Institute of Graphic Communication
王子浩 北京印刷学院设计艺术学院艺术设计专业硕士研究生
Zihao Wang, Graduate Student, School of Art & Design, Beijing Institute of Graphic Communication
杨 颖 湖南师范大学工程与设计学院硕士研究生
Ying Yang, Graduate Student, College of Engineering and Design, Hunan Normal University
周羽琦 北京印刷学院设计艺术学院硕士研究生
Yuqi Zhou, Graduate Student, School of Art & Design, Beijing Institute of Graphic Communication
莫 悠 天津美术学院跨媒体艺术系硕士研究生
You Mo, Graduate Student, Department of Cross-Media Art, Tianjin Academy of Fine Arts
黄怡昕 天津美术学院硕士研究生
Yixin Huang, Graduate Student, Tianjin Academy of Fine Arts
徐 超 北京印刷学院新媒体学院设计学专业硕士研究生
Chao Xu, Graduate Student, School of New Media, Beijing Institute of Graphic Communication
冯新雨 杨 浩 北京印刷学院新媒体学院数字媒体艺术专业多媒体艺术设计方向学生
Xinyu Feng, Hao Yang, Students Major in Multimedia Design, Digital Media Art, School of New Media, Beijing Institute of Graphic Communication
付小轩 北京印刷学院设计艺术学院硕士研究生
Xiaoxuan Fu, Graduate Student, School of Art & Design, Beijing Institute of Graphic Communication
刘小凤 中国传媒大学智能视音频方向硕士研究生
Xiaofeng Liu, Graduate Student of Intelligent Video and Audio, Communication University of China
刘静雯 湖南师范大学硕士研究生
Jingwen Liu, Graduate Student, Hunan Normal University
王 畅 北京印刷学院设计艺术学院硕士研究生
Chang Wang, Graduate Student, School of Art & Design, Beijing Institute of Graphic Communication
张未未 北京印刷学院新媒体学院硕士研究生
Weiwei Zhang, Graduate Student, School of New Media, Beijing Institute of Graphic Communication
杨佳艺 天津美术学院跨媒体艺术数字艺术硕士研究生
Jiayi Yang, Graduate Student, Major in Cross-Media, Tianjin Academy of Fine Arts
孙艺坤 北京印刷学院设计艺术学院硕士研究生
Yikun Sun, Graduate Student, School of Art & Design, Beijing Institute of Graphic Communication
贾宇宁 北京印刷学院设计艺术学院硕士研究生
Yuning Jia, Graduate Student, School of Art & Design, Beijing Institute of Graphic Communication
李林芸 昆明理工大学数字媒体艺术专业本科生
Linyun Li, Undergraduate Student, majoring in Digital Media Art, Kunming University of Science and Technology
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