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[日]黑川雅之 博士 株式会社K&K(日本)

Masayuki Kurokawa, Ph.D., K&K Corporation (Japan)

[美]凯伦·基佛博伊德 宾夕法尼亚州立大学艺术建筑学院教授
Karen T. Keifer-Boyd, Professor, School of Art and Architecture, Pennsylvania State University

[美]李倩 美国克利夫兰州立大学美术设计系终身教授
Qian Li, Tenured Professor, Department of Art and Design, Cleveland State University, USA

[美]张利 美国普渡大学视觉设计终身教授、原艺术与设计系主任
Li Zhang, Tenured Professor of Visual Design, former Chair of the Department of Art and Design, Purdue University, USA

[美]彼得罗尼奥·本迪托 美国普渡大学副教授、视觉传达设计项目协调员,新媒体设计师、艺术家
Petronio Bendito, Associate Professor and Visual Communication Design Program Coordinator, New Media Designer and Artist, Purdue University, USA

[韩]金知瑞 北京工业大学艺术设计学院工艺美术系副教授
KIM JISEO, Associate Professor, Department of Arts and Crafts, College of Art and Design, Beijing University of Technology

[日]三田村有芳 京都艺术大学 客员副教授
MITAMURA ARIYOSHI, Kyoto University of the Arts Guest Associate Professor

[美] 郑学武 美国纽约州立大学教授、艺术家、策展人、中美艺术交流协会理事

Xuewu Zheng, Professor, School of Visual and Performing Arts, New York State University at New Paltz, Artist, Curator, Board Member of China Arts Link

[美]乔丹·王 美国克利夫兰华裔当代艺术家
Jordan Wong, Chinese-American contemporary artist in Cleveland, USA

张夫也 清华大学美术学院教授
Fuye Zhang, Professor, the Academy of Arts & Design of Tsinghua University

李知弥 中国当代文人画家
Zhimi Li, Contemporary Chinese literati painter

田忠利 北京印刷学院院长、中国美术家协会会员、中国美术家协会插图装帧艺术委员会主任

Zhongli Tian, President of Beijing Institute of Graphic Communication, member of the China Artists Association; Director of the Illustration and Binding Art Committee of the China Artists Association

李一凡  北京印刷学院教授

Yifan Li, Professor of Beijing Institute of Graphic Communication

高妍玫 北京印刷学院新媒体学院动画系教授,硕士生导师、国际动画协会会员Yanmei Gao, Professor of Animation Department of New Media College, Beijing Institute of Graphic Communication, master supervisor, member of the International Animation Association 

史民峰 北京印刷学院教授,硕士研究生导师,北京印刷学院美术馆馆长

Minfeng Shi, Professor of Beijing Institute of Graphic Communication, master supervisor, and curator of the Art Museum of Beijing Institute of Graphic Communication

张晓东 北京印刷学院设计艺术学院院长、北京市城市管理研究院专家,北京文化创意产业研究院专家

Xiaodong Zhang, Postdoctoral Fellow, Director of School of Design and Art, Beijing Institute of Graphic Communication, expert of Beijing Institute of Urban

Management, expert of Beijing Institute of Cultural and Creative Industries

刘锋 北京影视动画协会理事、中国高校影视学会动画与数字媒体艺术专业委员会理事、中国科教电影电视协会教育委员会理事

Feng Liu, Director of Beijing Film and Television Association; Director of China Academy of Film and Television Animation and Digital Media Arts Committee; China Science and Education Film and Television Association Board of Education

张延昭 北京当代中国写意油画院常务理事,四川省新锐油画院副院长

Yanzhao Zhang, Board member of the Beijing Abstract Painting Institute, Vice Presidenct of Sichuan Xinrui Oil Pianting Academy 

李尤松 北京印刷学院副教授

Yousong Li, Associate Professor of Beijing Institute of Graphic Communication

莫沁杰 北京印刷学院设计艺术学院副教授、硕士生导师、设计艺术学院基础部主任、中国美术家协会会员、中国少数民族美术促进会会员、全国教育书画协会会员

Qinjie Mo, Master Supervisor and Director of the Basic Department of the School of Design and Art, Beijing Institute of Graphic Communication; China Artists Association member; Nationalities of China art promotion member; member of National Education Calligraphy and Painting Association

王硕 博士 北京印刷学院硕士生导师,英国赫瑞瓦特大学博士生导师

Shuo Wang, Ph.D., Master supervisor of Beijing Institute of Graphic Communication, doctoral supervisor at the University of Herivat, UK

李雅洁 博士 北京印刷学院设计艺术学院教师

Yajie Li,Ph.D., Currently a teacher at the School of Design and Art、Beijing Institute of Graphic Communication

尹冰 博士 北京电影学院动画学院讲师
Bing Yin, Ph.D., Lecture of School of Animation, Beijing Film Academy

刘润泽 博士 天津美术学院环境与建筑艺术学院讲师
Runze Liu, Ph.D., Lecture of School of Environmental and Architectural Arts, Tianjin Academy of Fine Arts

王婷婷 博士 中国戏曲学院新媒体学院讲师
Tingting Wang, Ph.D., Lecture of New Media School of National Academy of Chinese Theatre Arts

张引 博士 北京航空航天大学新媒体艺术与设计学院副教授

Yin Zhang,Ph.D., Associate Professor of School of New Media Art and Design, Beihang University

高健耀 职业画家

Jianyao Gao, professional painter

祝亚明 独立艺术家

Yaming Zhu,Independent Artist

李光 中央民族大学美术学院讲师
Guang Li, Ph.D, Lecture, Academy of Fine Arts, Minzu University of China

刘潮 旅美画家、诗人,美国油画家协会会员、美国印象派油画协会会员

Chao Liu, Artists in America, Poet, Member of Oil Painters of America, Member of American Impressionist Society



陈亚琦 清华大学博士
Yaqi Chen, doctoral candidate of Tsinghua University

林彦 慕尼黑大学剧场艺术学博士、兼慕尼黑大学T-Migrants项目学生研究助理

Lin Yan, Doctoral Student of Theater Arts, University of Munich, and Student Research Assistant of the T-Migrants Project of the University of Munich


王睿鹏 鲁迅美术学院本科生

Ruipeng Wang, Undergraduate of Lu Xun Academy of Fine Arts

刘其让 上海大学博士
Qirang Liu, doctoral candidate of Shanghai Academy of Fine Arts, Shanghai University

李滢钰 北京印刷学院硕士

Yingyu Li, graduate student, Beijing Institute of Graphic Communication

刘欢 史佳琪 李瑞欣 张源顺 北京印刷学院硕士

Huan Liu, Jiaqi Shi, Ruixin Li, Yuanshun Zhang, graduate students, Beijing Institute of Graphic Communication

马鸿阅 北京印刷学院硕士

Hongyue Ma, graduate student, Beijing Institute of Graphic Communication

王子 王瑞宁 北京印刷学院硕士

Zi Wang, Ruining Wan, graduate students, Beijing Institute of Graphic Communication

张钊若 张未未 北京印刷学院硕士

Zhaoruo Zhang, Weiwei Zhang, graduate students, Beijing Institute of Graphic Communication



Z&α世代艺术家  GEN. Z&αARTISTS


车子木 小学生、职业画家

Zimu Che, primary school student, professional painter

赵芃羽 北京景山学校大兴实验学校学生

Pengyu Zhao, primary school student of Beijing Jingshan School Daxing Experimental School

李之源 郑州互助路小学学生

Zhiyuan Li, primary school student of Zhengzhou Mutual aid Road primary school 

李则语 郑州市第二十四中学学生

Zeyu Li, student of Zhengzhou No.24 Middle School

李适薰 中央美术学院附中2022级学生

Shixun Li, student of The High School Affiliated to China Central Academy of Fine Arts, Grade 2022

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