Karen Keifer-Boyd
Karen Keifer-Boyd, Ph.D., is Professor of Art Education and Women’s, Gender, and Sexuality Studies at The Pennsylvania State University. Elected as National Art Education Association (NAEA) Distinguished Fellow Class of 2013, NAEA Women’s Caucus president (2012-2014), and 2012 Fulbright Distinguished Chair in Gender Studies at Alpen-Adria-Universität Klagenfurt, Austria has provided support for her research on transdisciplinary creativity, inclusion, feminist art pedagogy, visual culture, cyberart activism, transcultural dialogues, action research, and eco-social justice art. She co-authored Including Difference: A Communitarian Approach to Art Education in the Least Restrictive Environment (NAEA, 2013); InCITE, InSIGHT, InSITE (NAEA, 2008); Engaging Visual Culture (Davis, 2007); co-edited Real-World Readings in Art Education: Things Your Professors Never Told You (Falmer, 2000); and numerous peer-reviewed research publications. Her work has been translated and published in Austria, Brazil, China, Finland, Oman, and S. Korea. Co-founder and editor of Visual Culture & Gender, she has taught and researched throughout the world including Oman, S. Korea, Turkey, Uganda, and with Fulbright Awards in Austria (2012, 2009) and Finland (2006). She leads a curricula team on social justice art education in developing encounters with art by Linda Stein, activates explorations with the Judy Chicago Art Education Collection, and contributes as researcher and consultant to VSA, the international organization on arts and disability, working with the Jean Kennedy Smith Arts and Disability program of the John F. Kennedy Center for the Performing Arts.